Dynamic Writing Duo

Dynamic Writing Duo

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Books We've Found and Use When We Need A Refresher by Tia Dani

Every once in a while we need to give ourselves a refresher course on various writing techniques. Here's a short list of books we've found to be helpful. Check them out. If you have other books that you like, drop us a note, leave a comment and write the book title/author. We'd really love to expand our list.

All the best.
Tia Dani


1. Make Your Words Work by Gary Provost
2. Writer’s Mind Crafting Fiction by Richard Cohen
3. Characters and Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card
4. Creating Characters by Dwight V. Swain

Show Vs Tell

1. The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them) by Jack M. Bickham
2. The 28 Biggest Writing Blunders (And How to Avoid Them) by William Nobel
3. Show, Don’t Tell by William Noble
4. Make Your Words Work by Gary Provost
5. How To Write a Damn Good Novel (Book 1 and 2) by James N. Frey
6. Building Fiction How to develop plot and structure by Jesse Lee Kercheval
7. Techniques Of The Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain
8. Writer’s Mind Crafting Fiction by Richard Cohen
9. Description by Monica Wood 

1. Characters And Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card
2. Creating Characters by Dwight V. Swain
3. Techniques Of The Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain
4. Beginnings, Middles And Ends by Nancy Kress
5. Make Your Words Work by Gary Provost
6. Writing To Sell by Scott Meredith

View Point

1. The Art & Craft of Novel Writing by Oakley Hall
2. Setting by Jack M. Bickham
3. Characters And Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card  
4. Show Don’t Tell by William Noble
5. Lessons From A Lifetime of Writing by David Morrell

Rounding Off A Chapter With A Hook

1. Crafting Scenes by Raymond Obstfeld

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